Women’s wellness

A woman’s world has more variables than a man’s, not only from the anatomical point of view, but also from the stand point of social, neurological, hormonal, nutritional etc. We at Fitpapa have understood this world well, to carefully customise programs which are women centric keeping the following variables in mind.

Social –

Women have more social pressures than men in terms of family responsibility, nourishment of kids, household activities etc . It becomes more complex with a full fledged career. Hence at Fitpapa, we create programs which are simple, sustainable & yet outcome oriented. The basic premise is that our health fitness journey is something to be savoured and not be stressed about.

Brain Chemistry –

Women have different neural pathways and different bio chemistry. While both process the same neurochemicals, they process them differently. For eg. Serotonin the hormone which is connected to happiness and depression does not process in the same manner in women. This could help explain why women are more prone to anxiety and depression.

Macro nutrient requirement-

Women also don’t need as much protein as men for many reasons because they oxidise less protein during exercise than men. Women also burn less protein in a fasted state than men. Women have 6 to 10% more essential fat than men due to their child bearing needs. The need for a customised diet plan for women along with an exercise program was never more important considering the various roles a modern woman juggles with.

Strength training-

Women have not only more Type- 1 muscle fibres but larger ones and therefore produce better results with higher reps. This is one reason why women are more resistant to fatigue than men even when women and men with the same strength level are compared. Volume training is best suited for these muscle types. Estrogen, the female hormone is an anti-catabolic hormone that aids in muscle repair, reduces protein breakdown during exercise and protects women against muscle damage.


They are what make women different from men. Generally females and males have the same hormones – Estrogen, Progesterone and Testosterone but their production sites, their blood concentrations and interactions with various organs and systems are different. Estrogen affects every stage of a woman’s life– puberty, menstruation, pregnancy and menopause. The nutritional requirements change during pregnancy, post pregnancy, lactation, pre & post menopause. All these factors need to be kept in mind before customising a plan for women. We at Fit Papa do a careful needs analysis for women before formulating a program for each one of our women clients. Being the main nurturer and care giver it is needless to say, if the woman of the house is fit and health, the rest of the family cannot be far behind.
